Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I can't wait for youth to get started!

Well, I was talking with Pastor Brett this morning and it seems that they're having a meeting about youth next week. I'm really excited about youth starting again this fall and I can't wait to see all the teens again. It should also be interesting to see which youth leaders stay on to help, since we've already lost Simon and Jody(and I doubt Neil will be helping either). Hopefully Glen, Jenn,and Pam are still around this year.

I do have one big concern though. I just don't know if I'll be able to keep helping out each week if my health doesn't improve (it's been gradually getting worse over the summer). The doctors don't seem to know what's going on so the only thing I can do is pray that I'll either get over whatever is ailing me. I really don't want to give up going to youth because it's been a great privelage over the last two years and I feel that I want to keep helping out with the teens. There are just so many who are struggling and I feel that helping them also helps me to grow spiritually. And then I'm sure Nick (aka: Doug's shadow) would stop coming if I wasn't at youth each week. Anyways, I'll just have to go to the meeting, talk things over with Brett and see how I do physically in the next few weeks.

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