Saturday, October 29, 2005

Doug's top 20 animated films (part 1)

Well, I finally did some work on my movie list. I figured I'd do something easy for now since I have a ton of work to do before I'm done my top 100 regular movie list, so I started with an animated film list. I'll post it in two parts, first with #11-20, and in a few days with #1-10 and honorable mentions. With this done I can now get to work on my top 100 list. So much work, so little time to do it in. And Shadow of the Colossus came in the mail yesterday, so that won't help.

11. - Howl's Moving Castle - Most people find this to be generic anime, but I love the story, characters and action scenes. The romance is very well done.

12. - Toy Story - Don't need to say much about this. I do like the sequel a little better though.

13. - Grave of the Fireflies - The most depressing animated film you'll ever see. This is the Schindler's List of animation. Which means that it's incredibly moving and is something that will stay with you long after seeing it.

14. - Monsters Inc. - What is there to say about Pixar movies? They're all amazing. I love this one for the variety of monsters, story, and all the cuteness!

15. - The Corpse Bride - Amazing animation, a great story involving death, betrayal and romance, and the usual good Danny Elfman songs. Better overall than Nightmare Before Christmas, although the songs aren't quite as good.

16. - Kiki's Delivery Service - One of Miyazaki's most lighthearted and kid friendly films. Gotta love the European style music and landscapes.

17. - Princess Mononoke - Very japanese and weird, but still great none-the-less. Like every Miyazaki film it has wonderful visuals, characters and music.

18. - Aladdin - The weakest of Disney's "big four" movies of the early 90s. Still great for it's songs, characters and pop culture gags.

19. - Finding Nemo - A visual masterpiece. Typical Pixar film. Good story, characters, and something people of all ages can enjoy.

20. - The Iron Giant - A fun and under-rated film by Brad Bird (the guy who made The Incredibles). Surprisingly moving and funny.

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