Saturday, October 08, 2005

Got Castlevania: DoS!

Doug am in 2D heaven! I'll likely be playing it non-stop until it's beaten 100%. Oh my goodness, the animation! The amazingly detailed 2D sprites! The tough bosses! The mesmorizing 2D trail that follows Soma! The incredible soundtrack! *head explodes*

Anyways, I had a fun time last night with Josh. I picked him up after school and he watched Arrested Development on my portable DVD player (well, my dad's portable DVD player, but he doesn't use it much) until we got to Freddy. There I made a beeline for EB and got one of the last copies of the game. Then we headed to Wal-Mart and talked with Greg for a few minutes. I cracked some annoying jokes about him slacking and then we headed back to EB to meet up with Hooper so he could get his copy of the game. After that Josh and I grabbed some supper and went to see Corpse Bride

Corpse Bride was awesomeness squared. Josh said it kinda creeped him out. I guess I knew what to expect from the movie because of Nightmare Before Christmas. Personally I thought Nightmare is way creepier. The skeletons jumping into song and dance at random times didn't throw me off at all. Overall, I'd say the animation rocked, the songs rocked, and the story (something girls would love, since it's a love story) was pretty awesome as well. Better overall than Nightmare in my opinion, although they are completely different films. You girls who said it looked creepy (you know who you are) should give the movie a chance when it hits DVD. Heck, I almost was moved to tears near the end. Almost.

Today I'm back to the usual day of babysitting, but I got Castlevania to keep me busy. Lots of castle rooms to explore, zombies to kill and medusa heads to curse at. I guess I should be happy that my weekends are dull and boring and use the time to rest and be lazy.

Oh, and I also had a nice chat with Pastor Brett yesterday. We went to Subway and I had a nice salad. Chatted about everything from Atari games to plans for Booster weekend (which is going to rock btw). Anyways, I'm going back to Castlevania. ^_^

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