Sunday, October 16, 2005

The start of a long winter?

Well, my cold finally seems to have gotten the better of me and is (seemingly) moving into my lungs. This usually means I get bronchitus or a lung infection and stay home for long periods of time so that I don't upset people who don't want to be around me while I'm sick. For now I'm only coughing occasionally and my lungs feel tight, but it's only a matter of time before I start coughing up lovely green gook and sounding like a machine when breathing. I can't wait *end sarcasm*. I guess I'll just have to keep popping vitamins down me and taking that oil crap that burns my mouth. Hopefully I can still fight this.

On a brighter note, I went to see W&G again, this time with Josh and Joel. It was just as good the second time and I'm glad that they enjoyed it. Church was also very good this morning, despite me having the usual stomach problems. Lots of great music and an excellent message from Neil. And I didn't completely screw up the powerpoint this week. Always a good thing. I've also discovered that I can have videos of my favorite Arrested Development scenes by using my digital camera. So if anyone is interested in seeing some hilarious scenes I'll likely push it on you anyways. Must create new fans to keep the show alive. I might as well get to work finding my favorite scenes until I find someone to talk with on msn. The few people I talk to on a daily basis are rarely online anymore.

1 comment:

bataylor said...

hey hey,
well speaking of colds, ive gotten a few sniffles myself here...and its not a good thing considering i have midterms and finals just about every week until christmas...theres no time to be sick!! lol
man, university sucks...too much work...what was i thinking? lol
anyways, hope things are going good at youth and stuff...and yes, we must do something about that jro kid!! intervention indeed!! lol