I've had a lot of different thoughts going through my head over the last day or so, and since I can't share those thoughts with friends on msn for a few days, I decided to come to the library to post about them. First of all, I had a second job interview at Day & Ross last night. It seems likely that they'll hire me, but I'm still not sure how much I want to work nights. It would be Monday to Friday from 5:15 to 1:30 am with a few hours overtime during busy seasons, so needless to say my social life will come to a hault if I take the job. That would mean no more chatting on msn in evenings (when most of you are online) and even worse, no more helping with youth. The idea of having to work Tuesday nights really saddens me, because I've come to love working with the teens and I enjoy hanging out with J-Ro and Jess afterwords. But I guess that's the price you pay when you want to earn money. It's a cycle. Either you have money and no free time, or lots of free time and no money. Anyways, I guess it won't hurt to try the job since there's a three month probation period before they hire you for good. I'll continue to pray about it and if anyone else wants to pray for me, that would be greatly appreciated. Who knows, maybe I'll get a job offer from McCain's or somewhere else.
I also started reading a book that Jess lent me last night (I forget the name already, yeah my memory is THAT bad) and was surprised that the first chapter was actually pretty violent and depressing. Still good though, and the end of the chapter was really good and made me think. It reminded me that God provides no matter what situation you're in. Needless to say I can't wait to read more. I also watched the first half of Gandhi last night. I figured I'd be bored out of my mind, but it's actually very interesting and seeing how Gandhi lived really made me think about my life as a Christian. He never stepped back from his opponents even when they struck him in violence. He fought back with words and tried to make peace with everyone. Truly an amazing man. Anyways, between the book and the movie I had a lot on my mind.
Also, I see Narnia is hitting theatres this weekend. Is anyone planning on going to see it in the next week or two? Because I'd be glad to have people to go with besides just myself. Heck, maybe I can even convince J-Ro to go if other people are going. Please, let me know if you want to go either by commenting here (I'll check my blog again tomorrow) or calling me. My phone number is 375-6219 for those who don't know.
Finally, I've become completely obsessed with Radiohead (A British band that Coldplay ripped off). What really shocks me is how I hated them when I was a teen, but now I can't get over their sound. In fact, I just took out one of their albums from the library. I suggest that any of you who like Coldplay check out Radiohead's OK Computer and The Bends albums. Especially these songs: Fake Plastic Trees, High & Dry, Just, Street Spirit (Fade Out), Paranoid Android, Karma Police and No Surprises.
That is all for now. Hopefully I'll be back on msn in a few days.