Sunday, December 11, 2005

I suck

I know I promised a massive update, but I've been in a weird mood today feeling awkward and slightly depressed which kinda is the opposite of what I was planning on posting about, so I don't really think it's a good time to post about the stuff that was on my mind. Don't worry though, I got Guitar Hero last week, so after I spend some more time with that and get some pics of myself rocking out I'll make another post. Oh, and today someone was passing notes to me in church for the first time since I was like 15, which was just weird and slightly annoying. Although she was just being nice asking about my job interview so no hard feelings there. Just kinda weirded me out. In the meantime I'll continue to feed my weird mood by contemplating how maybe I'll be better off in Adam and Greg's bomb shelter where I don't have to worry about feeling awkward around people.


Krystle said...

you know I'm sure that the first time you fart in a bomb shelter will be an akward moment...

Doug said...

Not in this bomb shelter. It holds 200 people and is pretty much like a small underground village. I'd better not say more in case I'm giving out secrets of their plans though.

Doug said...

Maybe I should actually read the memo. I'm so lazy.