Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry Christmas everyone!

Well, I'm sure Christmas will be over by the time anyone checks my blog, but anyways. It's been a pretty hectic week. Not because of Christmas coming up, but because it was my first week working at Day & Ross. So far it seems ok. I like the people I've been working with (even though so far I'm only really talking to three people (Todd and Patti who are my supervisors, and Jill who is in charge of keeping me working and fixing my mistakes). I also only had to work until 11 this week, so next week it'll be different with me working until whenever it is that they let me leave (1:30 maybe?). But anyways, I'll talk about work more after I settle in more.

Today I got my new computer, which Jonathan built for me. He gets mad props for doing such a great job. It's frickin awesome, which you should be able to tell from the pics below. Very nice job man. Now I just need a faster internet connection and I'll be downloading like a madman.

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