Monday, December 12, 2005

Guitar Hero is here!

OK, I finally got Guitar Hero friday morning, and it has been owning me (and my fingers) with awesomeness. So far I still suck. It's a lot harder than you would think. I can usually only play five or six songs before my fingers get tired and sore, but I'm sure if I keep it up for at least an hour a day I'll get used to it and will get better. So far my favorite songs to play are David Bowie's Ziggy Stardust, Boston's More Than a Feeling, Queen's Killer Queen and Frankenstein by The Edgar Winter Group. I'd also probably enjoy Ozzy Ozborne's Bark at the Moon if it wasn't frickin impossible to play. Anyways, so far it's one of my favorite games of the year (right up there with God of War and Resident Evil 4) and I can't wait to take it to youth and play with Josh and Josiah. As long as I keep constant supervision on the controller. Oh, and here are a couple of pics of me rocking out last night. Take note of my cat Kitten having a small cameo in the first pic. I think I see Pepper's tail coming from under the couch too. And yes, we are still in the process of putting up our tree.

Tomorrow night our youth group is taking the teens rollerskating in Houlton. I look forward to the ride more than anything, since my mom considers rollerskating one of those things that might hurt my back and just sitting there is pretty boring aside from watching the limbo. This time I'm tempted to just say "screw it, I'm having fun" and grabbing a pair of skates (if they have any that fit my massive feet). Is it wise to put having fun over safety? Probably not, but I hate sitting there while everyone is having fun. Knowing the way I am I'll chicken out at the last second and just do the usual thing, we'll see. For now, I'm gonna go read until Arrested Development comes on at 9. Please let Dave Thomas (Super Dave Osbourne) still be on the show!


Krystle said...

Wow, you're a really good know that?

I would have definately just went skating..but then again..I just have little massive it may have been easier for moi

Doug said...

Smart cat. Eat plastic but not bugs. And I'd go skating for sure if I was by myself or just with a few friends. I don't know if I want to go out there with a bunch of teens.