Thursday, December 15, 2005

Taking a break?

It seems that things have slowed down on everyone's blogs. I'm guessing everyone is busy during Christmas, so I might as well take a break from blogging too unless things pick up again. In the meantime I'm gonna start work on my end of the year post. Oh, and I need to go to Fredericton sometime in the next week or so, so if anyone would like to go with me to help me finish my Christmas shopping, just let me know. I hate driving to Freddy by myself.


Krystle said...

I'm home..and do not have high speed net..therefore I check my mail once a week (if my inbox is that lucky)

but I'll try to get on more in the next two weeks!!

and doug, there's an extra spot at my dinner table for ya ;)..if you'd take it!

Krystle said...

Hey was work?

Doug said...

It was ok. I was going to post about it this morning, but realized only one person is even reading it, so there wasn't any point in posting. I only worked 6 and a half hours last night, and didn't even start any actual work. My supervisor just showed me how certain things worked and said that tomorrow I'd have someone else show me other things. I think it'll be ok.

Oh, and starting Friday my parents are going away, so if you and your friends want to play raquetball you'll have to come before 5 pm on weekdays, since I'll be gone to work and nobody will be home.

Krystle said...

Thanks for the heads up doug! We should be down some now that Andrew's done school (as of Friday)

Doug? that's not why you're not going is it?

Doug said...

No, that's not why I wasn't going to go. I had to stay home because of my new job. My parents decided not to go for that reason though.

Krystle said...

lol..after talking to you..I understood..but thanks for the reply anyway!

You're at work I'm hoping it's a bit better today!